Wow so many people here these days that just discovered rm lol
>>6075017>Don't be mean to other people: you too were an ugly little faggot, when you first got into ricingAint that the truth
>>6075031can I come to your house and have sex with your computer?
>>6075039Getting there. Keep workin'
>>6075045Love it. Nice startpage
>>6075061Boring but well riced
>>6075066dat purp
>>6075076Right click the skin > Edit skin and go to town
>>6075105Can I have this SEXY ASS wallpaper please. Excellent desktop reminds me of someone I know <_<
>>6075173im gay
>>6075195Sexy 4chan. I think I see what you're trying to do with the red text accent color and umbrella in the WP but it isn't coming together that much. Still looks good though.
>>6075213I used to use that setting that hides all of your windows and displays your desktop when you put your mouse on the right side of the taskbar to see my rm clock back in the day. Also right click > edit skin. Any rm skin you could possibly want at your fingertips.
>>6075226Nice rm theme on the bottom right. It's positioning makes it kind of hard to read with the boats behind it.
>>6075240Pretty nice rm setup. I would find some new icons/start orb that is in line with the rest.
>>6075269Pretty sure you can acheive this with AHK. Not feeling the font in your hexchat. Too skinny. This desktop is definitely going places. Keep at it.
>>6075306Looks hot. Nice fonts. What's the little guy in the top right corner?
>>6075356Pretty sexy and consistent. Not feeling the orange on your 4chan.
>>6075387Cool wp. Might be good to look into this old program called 'tbariconblanker' on deviantart. It will hide that little icon in the top right of all your programs as well as on the taskbar.
>>6075449Nice wall. Is that strip of transparent black rainmeter? Pretty cool you should fill it up. This could be very cool.
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