Quoted By:
>How are you holding up anon?
Meh, I guess. My college life has been going to shit; it's likely I'll get kicked out this semester (it's my second semester), but despite that, all I can feel is apathy.
>How have you been lately?
Equal parts apathetic, ticked off, and depressed. My mood barely fluctuates these days, instead staying in a "numb" setting. And when it does change, it's either for the worse 'cause my mum is giving me shit over this or that, or for the real rock bottom when I have one of my depressive episodes. I've been thinking of suicide more and more lately, though not in a "I should kill myself" way, more like "I wonder what it would feel like to die". I know that's not something mentally healthy to be thinking, especially when you've already got other mental problems (I'm an insomniac and a diagnosed sociopath).
Additionally, my father has banned me from bringing girls home, and has threatened to cut off my allowance if I don't stop these "damnable acts" (I'm a lesbian).
Here, have a nice wallpaper of the Dark Sign, anons.