Just whipped this up. I still working on adding a media shortcut and other things. Thoughts on placement of my icons and clock, date...? All advice is wlecome
>>6949319Eh it's okay. I don't like that clock widget. Wallpaper isn't my favorite but it could work. Decent, but not riced enough.
>>6949165Clock is too big. Need more rice. Decent for a first attempt though. :)
>>6949027Not bad. Is there more, like another page or shortcuts? A little too minimal for my taste. I like the wallpaper.
>>6948613I don't like the icon pack and the whole aesthetic is not too great. The font color and font for the weather make it very hard to read and doesn't look that great.
>>6948317I don't think the background works with your icon pack. I'm just not a fan of the background all together. Sorry but 4/10
>>6948268Don't like the wallpaper. Too many apps and don't like the clock/weather widget. Nice app drawer/10
>>6948195Don't like the color. Lewd anime is embarrassing. It's not bad, just incredibly basic. 6/10
>>6948194Get rid of top bar and add some rice to it. I don't like widgets really so I would replace those with rice. It's okay for a first attempt, but it doesn't seem like you did much to customize your home screen other than widgets, icon pack and a decent wallpaper. Use KLWP
>>6947877I think a different icon pack would fit you better. Like the wallpaper. I think you should get rid of the widgets and use more KLWP.