>>6195152Wonderful layout, I love the green accent, it works well with the background. The font on the two clocks and dates seem slightly off, this bothers me slightly. Still very nice though. 5/10
>>6195154Good start, but the icons on the side are not good. Maybe, you want to hide your notification bar. 9/10
>>6195161 Very solid, gets the job done. There's a reason good designs are common. 8.7/10
>>6195170Love the clock and music player. Icon choice is okay. Wallpaper is not bad. 7/10
>>6195225Simple and elegant. Nothing I can really say. Have you tried placing the clock on the right side and the icons on the bottom? 9.5/10
>>6195311Standard issue, but still effective. Try something out though like getting a different clock. 7/10
>>6195325Interesting placement of drawer button. I like how the search and play store icons are a bit lighter. Very nice. 8.5/10
>>6195639Clock is dope, the icons...not so much. Notification bar is on point though. 7.5/10
>>6195648Awesome layout. That butterfly is beautiful. Change up the notification bar or remove it. 9/10
>>6195670Awesome minimal layout. It's bothering that half the clock is a bit darker than the other half. 9/10
>>6195715This is so good. I'm not sure what I can say to make it better. 10/10
>>6195747Love the picture choice and layout. It's something different. 8.7/10
>>6195815Yes. This is what phone should be like. 10/10
>>6195880Dope wallpaper, could be a bit higher res though. I like this clock, but it's used a lot and both halves are in different colors. You have a lot of icons. Do you use gestures? Maybe remove the notification bar. 7.5/10
>>6196056Fun. Maybe change the icon style to match your fonts. 8.5/10
What do you guys think of this setup? Made the clock custom myself.