This looks much better and more vibrant on my actual screen, but doesn't really matter cause this was done to hold me over while finding a good pape. Didn't really try to make it that good. Does anyone else have some good comic ones? I want vibrant colours that aren't vaporwave shit.
>>6727624Like your days of the week thing, but other than that a bit basic. 7/10
>>6727630I'm personally biased against anything resembling a standard dock, but other than that it's pleasant. 7/10
>>6727637White may work against black/grey, but there isn't any in the image itself. Might be best to stick with gold. Also, the things on the side are huge. I would prolly do a golden bar across the screen as the basis for your UI elements, like the blue and pink ones I have on mine. But don't make it shitty, like mine. 5/10.