>>7781548>>7781495My attempt at it. Slightly different crop and some other tweaks. Cloned the canvas a bit to fill the left & right edges. Some gamma, saturation, contrast, & color adjustments. Tried to keep it minor and still make it pop slightly more. Set the DPI to 2400 before all edits & adjustments and it resized up nicely to 2560x1440. Set it "to fit" on a 1920x1080 27" monitor and looks pretty solid to me. Even at full size I can't pick up any artifacting. Wanted to save as .png, but filesize was too big, so 99% JPEG and can't really tell the difference.
Comments welcome. If anyone likes this version enough for me to repeat it at 16:10, I'll do a 2560x1600 upon REQ. I really hated clipping the tigers mane slightly. Butt, dat booty ....... Gonna spend a week or three enjoying that. Thanks for the find & upload!