Nice for 8.1, but either drop the top bar or the bottom bar; both is just too much.
>>58154397/10 for wallpapers, but I'm not a fan of the default windows titlebar. consider hiding/themeing that.
you've put a lot of effort in, and I can really tell. Don't really like your top bar, maybe space things out a tiny bit more and drop your icons down 1/2px?
don't use the default win/rainmeter theme, get rid of your desktop icons, theme your taskbar, and get rid of "welcome to rainmeter". then we'll talk.
>>58160509/10 beautiful theme, beautiful colors, I REALLY like the top bar & wallpaper.
>>58160586/10 pretty nice, but not much here to rate; maybe show me a window/terminal? that random picture doesn't really make sense there.
>>58160605/10 jetblack isn't really matchable with that gre-ish chrome theme and the light bluegrey of steam. Your rainmeter is also kinda unmatching with your taskbar.