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I've not really been in good shape since elementary school, but I've gotten much more into shape since i decided i was gonna go military, i lost about thirty pounds in two months and have been going to the gym rather regularly, and i just feel better cause of it. I used to be that awkward kid that sat by himself and read, but since high school, I've slowly gotten more and more social, but my schools pretty small, and nearly everyone within it has been there since kindergarten, so they still kinda remember me as that kid. It's really been within the last year that i chilled out and became i person worth hanging with. I took up pot as a freshman and got pretty into the stoner culture, but dialed it a lot back sophmore year, and have now been clean for a couple months. I recently started using nic, which isn't exactly the healthiest thing ever, but i know i can stop whenever, because I've proven it to myself just to make sure by just taking weeks off sometimes.