>How many wallpapers do you have?Just a few (20ish?), my harddrive crashed a few months ago and now I lost several years of collecting.
>How do you organise them?I just throw them in my "4chan/reaction images/meme folder.
>Have you got any backups up?I wish I had a backup, I did look through the archives today and found one of my dumps from 2016 and I saved my favorites from it.
>Any recommendations for wallpaper sites?/wg/, and
Unsplash.com! The downside of using Unsplash is that they often have unconventional image dimensions that are not fitted to be a perfect wallpaper, but the images that they use are kino.
>Do it is acceptable to say "papes"?It has been used for years, I guess it's acceptable now.
>Is Rainmeter really worth it?I liked it, but it does eat up RAM(? I think), and I kind of found out that I don't really look at my desktop THAT often to spend an hour or so configuring it and looking for inspo, unlike my phone homescreen/lockscreen. So in my opinion, no it's not worth it