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Hey there /wg/. Haven't posted in about six or seven months.
I'm working of a fresh Windows 7 Install and am having difficulties with some shit.
1. Haxor Font flickers incessantly. Install gdipp but have no fucking idea as to what could fix it.
2. Tried to set browser font to Haxor as well but doesn't pop up in the list of the Theme Font Changer Add-on. Should I just change my fonts globally?
3. How the fuck do I get rid of this useless gap?
4. How can I change the color of this tab to match the rest?
5. My firefox fonts are all to shit too. Seems to be a rendering problem which I don't know how to fix either. Turned off acceleration and installed the Anti-Aliasing Tuner.
6. WTF happened to the rest of my shit? Clueless at this point.
7. Fuck you...I'm aware I have two different monitors. I'll fix this once I get the rest out of the way and perfect.
Any help is much appreciated.
>I should just uninstall and stick to default Aero Theme.