Got tired of mine, just edited a preset on PlayStore which I cannot remember the name.
I'm also not sure how to blend the music player with all the rest.
Also, ignore the double clock, I'm still thinking of removing one of them, but I'm not sure which.
Back to the rating:
>>6890812Feels really comfy, 9/10
>>68908177/10, I don't like animations too much
>>68908228/10 Very simple and uncomplicated. What icon pack are you using?
>>6890831Is this a /mu/ thread? 9/10
>>6890851Outstanding animations, 10/10
>>6890870Meh, that home icon seems out of place 6/10
>>6890882Cute 7/10
>>6890889Too much complicated and different fonts 7/10
>>6891003No, I'm not rating weeb shit
>>6891040Utter shit 1/10
>>6891043Mongolian Chinese cartoon girls=no
Shame, it's a pretty setup you got right there
>>6891048See rating above
>>6891152Well, it's very blue, 7/10
>>68911719/10 molto italico, complimenti
>>68911786/10 here was an attempt
>>6891187Seems pretty comfy, 9/10
>>6891203STUNNING 10/10