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Corporations bring us better, cheaper, and innovative products when competition is allowed to exist. Health care has only improved under capitalism, and we are healthier now than we have ever been, and live longer, better lives.
We look better, because market competition has made decent clothing and soap affordable for everyone. We think better, because nearly everyone has access to the entirety of human knowledge in their pocket. We live better, because there has never been a time where the average person had more ability to live their life the way they want to.
I love the cyberpunk genre, but the reality is life will only get better in the future. If buildings block out the sky, we'll make artificial light that looks better than the real thing. If cities choke out the vegetation, we'll make artificial gardens.
In 100 years, Hong Kong will be a paradise, and every American city will look like Detroit if we keep following the RepubloCrat line of thinking.
I love this picture because I can see a McDonald's sign. THAT is the future.