>OFFICIAL EDM THREAD #5New Rules, Read 'em:
>This is now a request/discussion thread for EDM. Any requests for a type of EDM I can give with a suitable wallpaper.>EVERY POST NEEDS TO HAVE A WALLPAPER. ANY POSTS WITHOUT A WALLPAPER WILL BE DISREGARDED.>No hate on these threads. If you don't have anything good to say about these threads, don't say them.>Every request requires proper grammar.>Any type of EDM fits in this thread.What I do here exactly:
I own a channel on Youtube formerly known as 4chanOfficialEDM but recently changed it to "INeedMusic" for personal and business reasons.
I Make a 40 song playlist every Saturday for this thread (although I haven;t had time to this week so it's still around 14 songs, my apologies)
I once only did just that but I have been recently uploading songs as well, so hopefully that makes up for it.
I am a request taker, any type of request related to the topic I will try to answer as best as possible.
>Last weeks playlist:http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIjOf8hjS48Ofc_w1VIDALBp9_IvxqUL5>This weeks playlist:http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIjOf8hjS48N05j2QF17pmislWJx7rEPw(I'll add more songs possibly in the next few hours)
>Subscribe to my channel if you haven't already:http://www.youtube.com/user/4chanOfficialEDM>Last upload:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2SbR6luAuMAlrighty, any requests?