Not really sure i'm going to use this setup, but i put a little time into it might as well share.
>>6709000Really like this one. The city wallpaper is awesome. 8.5/10
>>6709003I'm a big fan of rectangles. There might be too many different pictures of nature in one screen for my taste, no big deal though 7.5/10
>>6709123>>6709125Original as hell man, i like it a lot. the only thing i would change is maybe the icons, not the biggest fan of those. The music player fits well though. 9/10
>>6709138cool idea. I don't think you really need to add anything. I feel like if you add something else it would only hurt desu. 8/10
>>6709148>>6709147Like the pape, the white icons look really good against it. Definitely lose the notification bar at the top, and i would lose the search widget as well. Maybe pick up a clock or weather widget. Nice first attempt 6.5/10
>>6709168Looks like you are on the right track, feels a little emply though. Clock widget might help 6.5/10
>>6709177good idea and i like the middle rectangle a lot. Something about those icons throw me off, not sure what it is. i know that's not a helpful criticism but sorry lol. 7/10
>>6709179>>6709180Great job like it alot. nothing i can complain about 9/10
>>6709184Very good, that clock is sick. good choice of wallpaper as well.9/10
>>6709199Icons are sick and i like the phrases. The wallpaper has a little too much going on for my taste but that's totally subjective. Good job 8.5/10
>>6709213I like the simplicity, and black and white is a personal favorite theme of mine. the clock seems really basic, i might look into getting something with just a little more personality. 8/10
>>6709238Not bad. The icons are throwing me off a bit, however. I think they are too big. Maybe if they were smaller i would like them more. 6.5/10