Hey, senpai. I need ideas for what to put in this big ass gap.
>>7066039Minimal and aesthetic, but no clock or anything but apps, so 7/10.
>>7065953Looks nice, but I think adding a box behind the apps would be better looking 7/10
>>7065948I like it, but not a big fan of the tribal spoder. I also think the icons feel a little out of place, but I don't think there are any better ones. 6/10
>>7065916I'd remove it, senpai. Get a better icon pack too. Clock was a great start, dock takes away. I also think filling space would be better too. ATM 6/10
>>7065856Great start, if you're using KLWP you set up a global switch and use the formula $mi(state) = PLAYING$ to automatically turn the switch on when music is playing. I'm sure you can figure the rest. As for your homememe I r8 6/10. Too minimal, needs more empty space filled.
>>7065592Helluva meme my friend. I r8 8/8.
>>7065375Basic, yet clean. Not much empty space where the focus can't be found nearby. Looks like a lockscreen with apps, though. Needs more originality or content. 5/10 better than stock.
>>7064916Looks good, but I'm not a fan, personally, of the color scheme or images. I think getting a more elegant looking font would make it look better. I also don't care for how you have stuff on some of the crystals, but not all. Or how you have some stuff between, but not all. 7/10
>>7064913An 8-bit icon pack and font would do wonders. Also, how did you get a gif as your pape? Not using KLWP? If so, how? 6/10
>>7064715I just feel like I've seen this before. 5/10
>>7064564I, too, enjoy hexagons. Looks nice and looks like effort was definitely into it. Good job senpai, however bottom looks pretty busy. I'd say condense information, or drop some, but that's me. 7/10.
>>7064473Empty sides, but goes with the theme I supposed. A more colorful icon pack and better font will do well. Also, no effort really. 5/10.
>>7064405> David Maxim Micic> AMOLED theme10/10 abandon thread, he won. Also
> /Me/