Really proud of how the animations turned out on here
The first screen is a clock (gaps being the hands)
Second is a battery bar
and I actually show how the 3rd screen alarm indicator works cause it took way too much effort to not show off
fuckin' math
Will do more rates later cause I'm early
>>7132980I like the texture, but something about the clock in the bottom right doesn't sit right with me. I get that it's supposed to feel that way a little, but at least play around with it or the font or something and see if something works out.
>>7132983I think the UI itself is good, but having the bottom UI/center image being crisp and geometric only to be surrounded by a giant blur doesn't feel good to me. Might try to find a pape more suitable to the setup.
>>7132994Guess it's ok? Not much here and doesn't really fit together, but it's not offensive. Similar to above, experiment with more fitting papes.