>>7779729I have a sort of low grade depression. Basically have had it ever since I started working full time. I'm not gonna kill myself, but at the same time every day I feel an immense dissatisfaction with the world around me. Not with my life - I have friends, a gf, and a good job - but with the modern world. It just grinds me down. Maybe I'm too sensitive or maybe I'm not tough enough, but there's so much god damn beauty in this world, in being alive, yet the entire world seems to be set up in ways that take advantage of it and ruin the beautiful parts. The broken systems that we have to participate in in order to live, knowing how beautiful the world is yet how powerless I am as an individual to enact any real change, just wear me down over time. Often times I feel like while I don't want to die, I don't necessarily want to keep living.
I understand Sky King. What he did was reckless and selfish, but it's hard, if you feel a similar way, not to smile and be uplifted when you listen to him chatting with air control - he's free. He's at peace. He's a man who knows exactly what he's doing and exactly where he wants to be. His time in the air is what a lot of us spend time fantasizing about.
It's fucking beautiful, man. It makes me want to be a better person.