>>7539055This. Pacifism is for fags. Violence solves all problems. The world would be a better place if people were given brass knuckles and allowed to beat each other into raw hamburger and bone fragments in the town square. No more lawyers, no more courts, no more talmudic horse shit. The weak have no right to voice their worthless opinions. Anyone who disagrees is probably some fucking whole foods queer with one inch wrists that would get stomped in the above proposed system of governance.
>>7547788Diplomacy is worthless. For example, if the US and USSR had simply nuked the hell out of China in the 60s when they started to be a pain in the ass we wouldn't have the bat soup sniffles and I wouldn't have to replace my phone every two years due to dogshit manufacturing processes and QC. But no, we had to let some fat balding manlet that never washed his dick or brushed his teeth run amok because muh diplomacy. Going even further back in history we could have nuked Moscow at the end of WW2 and not had the USSR to deal with at all.