Just playing with my mechanical keyboard today and staying warm. I don't usually tile windows, since I have dual monitors, but here's a try for today.
Also found a pretty useful rainmeter, it hides/shows all your skins + desktop icons with a click.
>http://keybrdcowboy.deviantart.com/art/Rainmeter-Toggle-On-Off-1-0-Show-Hide-362234080Just edit it to your liking, mine is the transparent square on the bottom right that fades in when hovered.
I replaced [!hide *] with [!toggle *] to have just one button
>>5647590>>5647675It really is comfy as fuggg, thank you.
Your level of minimalism is impressive, assuming it's adequately functional.
>>5647618Hello scope; lookin' dope
>>5647220That's pretty clean though I'm not a fan of the default taskbar.
>>5648514nani sore
>>5647319His last film final film ;_;
>>56479677/10, a little more css tweaking can fix things. Like, I don't know whats going on with the tabs there.
>>5648419Hows Don Jon? Someone recommended me to watch it the other day...
>>5651655keep up the good work!