>>6631249Days later, I meet new people who I can share my common interests with and are genuinely friendly. This was also my first RPG session in quite a long time and I kind of went over the top with background for my character (something I tend to do) so I'm hopped into being the DM for another session.
With that, I got back into amateur writing – something I'd dropped when I started studying – and went about creating an adventure. This led to me trying to take some thing out of a previous campaign I'd been the DM for, with my old friends. Then, instead of simply trying to find some month's old scribbles in a notebook somewhere in my room, I finally take the iniciative to talk to my old friends. I re-install skype and damn, I'm instantly invited to a group call with them. We talk, they ask why I was away for so long, how they'd seen I got into a good university through my social media and asked how I was liking it. I told them a less depressing version of the previous months and then got into the topic of RPGs. Somehow, this led to me asking my uni friends if two of my old friends could join in and "sure, why the hell not?".
Now, a lot of things happened since then – I started going to some parties and later even joined a club – but these events were the ones that brought me back from the dark place I was in and helped me rebuild my social life.
And it all happened because of one guy in a Green Lantern T-shirt and an RPG session.
I hope you get out of that dark place too, anon. Cheers