>>6139224welp, since this thread is kinda alive, might as well add my screens. just changed the pape, added a box around my icons, and change my homescreen icons for my newer customization.
>inb4 lolbadboxtheyarentevenconnectedproperlylmaoxdnerdThe box is supposed to be like this.
Still trying to decide if I actually want to make a new screen.
>>6139207If you can, remove the notification boxes next to your icons. Calender seems boring, don't think the font matches the wall(that's just me though). Overall, 6.5/10 since you're a newbie.
>>6138530Nice and colorful. 8.9/10, no real complaints.
>>6138975Hide notification bar. 7/10
>>6138014Not a fan of the pape, Clock needs some work, like what you did with the icons though. 5/10
>>6138992If I were you, I'd try to get a different font for that clock, not sure what would work with the icons + pape, but watever. 8/10