1- End it.
2- Spend a week with a girlfriend or two. Take a road trip camping adventure or just crash at her place for a little while. Watch movies and have a few drinks (or your substance of choice). Your friends must be there to hold onto your phone for you to make sure you don't answer any more of his texts or calls and that his number is blocked.
3- During this time, it is also especially important that you block him on facebook and all other social media as well as anyone remotely associated with him. Untag all pictures and remove all comments, everything. And I mean everything. You can have the aforementioned girlfriends do this for you if you have to.
4- When, not if, your thoughts of him re-emerge to the point where you can no longer push him out of your mind, stop whatever you're doing and just stare at a wall. Let the thoughts and feelings come and go, and cry if you have to. I'm a guy and I've done all of this, and I cried too. It's okay.
5-Ask yourself who you are without him. Take measures to find out.
6-Watch this:
youtu.be/k7X7sZzSXYsCry some more, then listen to this:
youtu.be/Y5VgLOs0LwQ7-You're okay. It's going to be okay. Happiness is a fight worth winning, and you can win. The world is yours, and you are beautiful, you are smart, you are creative, you are strong.
We are anonymous, but deep down, we love you. Go out and do it.