>>6549775Taken your suggestion, and you're right it does look sleeker now.
>>6550043Nice meme. Also, Snapdragon Browser is nice.
>>6550047That home screen is pretty nice, however you could make that clock at an angle to match that meteor.
>>6550056There's a nice style to this homescreen, although not a fan since IMO I find it too bright.
>>6550085You should try to get some better icons.
>>6550112Make the music widget completely white to match your other icons, but other than that it's good.
>>6550121Well it's decent for a Blackberry at least. Get a good Android phone so you can change more than just the wallpaper.
>>6550123Not a fan of the font, and that misaligned date text is bothering.
>>6550126Really nice animations there, only thing I would ask would be a change of font.
>>6550153You're getting there now.
>>6550157I'm really feeling this homescreen. I just love the overall minimalistic style to this, and this would look pretty awesome on an AMOLED display. If I had to criticise, it would be your apps. Facebook and Snapchat are pretty bad apps.
>>6550186I would change the fonts of the buttons, they just don't match with the rest of the homescreen. Make the buttons fill the whole width of the screen. Also, Hitagi > Shinobu.
>>6550226I would hide the status bar if I were you.