Samsung Galaxy S2, running ADW Launcher EX, using Holo icons.
Prepare for a wall of text. Typed this shit out over the course of like an hour while watching tv.
Apart from the beautiful status bar iOS looks like shit. Icons are ugly, icon labels make it even worse, wallpaper is shit, boring, and DEFAULT, and your music gadget is way too huge and garish. Go jailbreak your shit and start customizing.
>>5433935Left 8/10, right 3/10, I'd give it a 5 overall. Right screen is way too cluttered, the arrangment of the icons is just a clusterfuck, power toggles look really ugly with an opaque background.
I like the icon arrangement. Icon set and bg is beautiful. Clock is kind of weird looking and too small imo, also all that blank space makes it look a little odd.
Really nice and minimal. Not a huge fan of the icons, I don't like icons with backgrounds like those. I do appreciate the color coordination with a wp. I think a battery widget would be a nice addition.
>scantily clad animu girls on your phoneYou are a braver man than I. Looks really nice and unified, love the layout and widgets. Newsfeed is a bit cluttery imo, minor gripe though.
Looks great! Lovely wallpaper, beautiful icon set, LOVE the lockscreen and clock on it. Bit too many icons imo though.
Nice and minimal, icons are meh, wallpapers great.
Icons are crap, left wp is nice, right isn't. Loving the status bar.
Nice layout and icons, love the wallpaper.
LOVE the wallpaper, clock and icons are great too
Like the clock and icons.
Wallpapers a bit garish/clusterfucky imo, icons and clock are nice, I like the dock background.