I couldnt find the perfect icons and I'ts too bright for this time of the year, but here is my rice.
>>6329337Move icons away from the wallpaper and towards the huge empty area
>>6329334I like your idea and music taste but those icons and widgets on the center of your screen are hard to see
>>6328998I really like the vintage feel you have there. But i dislike the quality of your webm and your app drawer discipline
>>6328976Have you tought about using a wallpaper?. Also I would change the clock to 0x:xx format because autism
>>6328915Clock widget clashes with the pape. Icons are too cluttered in a small space. Nothing fits each other. Try again friendo.
>>6328870Dank rice. Dank icon pack. What is it? Also I would try a binary clock just for the gist of it.
>>6329559Nice waifu you have there. Not something i would use but well tought. But bottom widget of the left screen should stay in the dark area i think
>>6328612This is very enjoyable. Not too colourful, not too bland. I dont like your clock widget though
>>6328639I've seen that wallpaper with white icons/widget so much that it feels like stock now
>>6328543Too edgy for my tastes.A bit hard to read your clock widget
>>6328540Too minimalist.
>>6328534Dank rice. I really like how you gave the effect of depth with your widgets. Center date between time and battery
>>6328531I really like the colour palette. But i dislike the icons on the middle and the page indicator. Get rid of them.