>>5408364that looks quite nice, the theme colors work well with the BG. the info bar on the right side would benefit from a similar dark grey text color. you should omit the shortcuts at the bottom if you can.
>>5408282golden rule for rainmeter: if it replaces something already on your desktop (clock, recycle bin, icons, etc), pick only one. personally i do not like windows docks (have you seen a nice aero taskbar?) as it comes across as not a mac os x dock.
s o remove these things: one of your icon launch bars (t-bar OR dock), three clocks, 1 recycle bin, one google search, one weather meter, 1/2 of a CPU meter good luck
>>5408278hello "phallus," you have a very original setup there! i only ever see these desktops in desktop threads, so i imagine it would be more impressive if it weren't alongside 10 others. it does look very nice, though, and good call on arch
>>5408184despite the fact that it's anime, the green/blue really do blend together seamlessly, and the taskbar! great work, really
>>5408088you might want to match your fonts if those boxes display persistently on your D-top. maybe move them to a corner. nice BG, i wonder whether the taskbar is not a tad too dark for it?
>>5408216very elegant, you have only the essential shortcuts on parade. you must have a clock next to your computer (i do) because otherwse, how do you tell the time?
>>5407889lol so kawaii~~~ O.O"
>>5407955the anime is more tasteful because the full scene is rather beautiful. that system clock though
here is my own d-Top with fun things:
*winamp 2.95 (upgrade from 5.6)
*clover tabbed windows explorer from
ejie.me*windows is my video game console
*windows aero default theme