https://www.dropbox.com/s/vqypw61jtaf3rgx/index.html?dl=0background pic:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ubj8e6w1t03huq7/memes.png?dl=0Click on the 3 dots in the right-top corner and download
Then get New Tab Redirect plug-in, and set the path to index.html as the new page.
I have no idea how well it scales, made it for my laptop (1366x768), just mess around a bit with it, resize the pic and stuff... Zoom out/in (ctrl+mwheel) if you think something went missing and make backup before you change anything that you don't feel confident about and use Notepad++, where you can undo like milion steps.
For the "Alienware™" tabs, I used Chrome's Material Hybrid design (chrome://flags/#top-chrome-md) It's definitely in Chrome Canary, no idea about regular Chrome, if you insist on Firefox I can't help there
And a custom theme (
http://www.themebeta.com/chrome-theme-creator-online.html), sadly, I don't have that saved, so you gotta make one yourself.
If you find that the page uses too much CPU, slowdown or remove the miliseconds (I trust you can do that yourself, not hard, I even left some comments in the .html!)