The King has arrived and you can now kindly fuck off from the throne.Thank you for not destroying Tokyo by the means of fighting each other.Now get in the line for the r8 train.
>>5914789Get new icons, with same style minimal square but without drop shadow, it doesnt fit
>>5914759Get rid of the status bar and make dock or whatever your icons stand on fit the colour of your wall
>>5914496Somethings off but i cant tell what, also use normal chrome symol even if you are using beta it looks bad
>>5914478Top side is empty while the bottom is a bit clustered, try a big clock on the top of the screen
>>5914459Well at least you know your issues you need to hide stat bar tough
>>5914450Simple, a clock font away from being perfect try using something bolder
>>5914446Place icons like this
>>5914344 keep the widgets
>>5914167Bulldoze it and start over. Im as gently as i can get now
>>5914160>That page indicator>That battery widgetI named two things that look irrelevant and out of place
>>5914063>iPhone/10, best ive seen today>>5914035Get rid of status bar and get a clock widget near top left
>>5914026Yeah it made my eyes bleed with its ugliness and stockness