>>5535092clean but that wall is busy
>>5535050needs color coordination but if you get that down, easily a top tier desktop
>>5535038Derricious! as always!!!
>>5535032>words words words>>5535019FOLDER MASTER
>>5535010Beutiful as always, I really like that color scheme
>>5534975this is me being retarded picky, but idk if ur waifu or whatever matches your color scheme considering she has some dark purple going on
>>5534800Still looking nice :)
>>5534792Cool wall but there needs to be some way to make the icons proportional to the taskbar because putting the taskbar on the side looks ugly as is
>>5534786nice color scheme
>>5534785high quality as usual
i dont really like your media player because it seems somewhat cumbersome to set up playlists and shit (the main reason why I have mine set up the way i do).
>>5534732that rainmeter gross
>>5534701I feel like your greentext color doesn't match the theme but otherwise its absolutely fantastic!
>>5534703>vix hating on tokenit's okay man I use it (though i don't have taskbar up)
>>5534674Your style for windows is classic but the wall doesn't reflect that.
>>5534668Can I like raise moneis for you to get a matching monitor?
>>5534655Nice, sweet wall btw
>>5534647Good stuff especially your explorer. I may have to steal this VS from you
>>5534497rainmeter a shit
>>5534493Great colors, post with browser, music player, ect..
>>5534485I think this glass theme would look nicer if there were no side or bottom borders.
>>5534387Cool inspiration but looks like shit