>>8071327I feel like I'm stuck in a hole I'll never be able to get out of.
I'm a 26 year old NEET college dropout who's only abilities are having a second language and drawing, even then my drawings are mediocre and I can't seem to improve.
I have dreams, I want to learn to draw better, I want to move out of this crappy town I live in, meet a girl, open up a business or even live off drawing if possible
But I feel like I'm too stuck in the vices I have to improve my life in any meaningful way. Every night I tell myself "This is the night everything changes" and things stay the same.
I feel like... I'll just rot away here, in this place that I hate, hating myself and God for even giving me life. I wish I could be brave enough to just put an end to it but I'm too much of a coward and my parents are good people so I wouldn't want to give them an even bigger burden with my death.
Pray for me anons, pray for a lost, hopeless soul.
I wish you all the best out there, please take care of yourselves.