Don't be afraid to change course, OP. You didn't waste the time, you spent it figuring out what path you don't want to go down. That's a valid reason to spend time. I'm in two honor societies and halfway through a BA in History-Secondary Education and I'm almost certainly going to drop out because teaching just isn't what I want to do. Sure, it sucks when you spend time doing something and ends up it doesn't work out, but at least you can say you tried.
Set aside money whenever you can and do your absolute best not to touch it. This is a great point in your life to save money.
Go to parks! Local parks, state parks, National parks, all of them! Enjoy nature, OP. It's truly a wonderful thing.
There are some people you will want to save. The most you can do is urge them to get help. You have no obligation to destroy yourself trying to help others.
Stay hungry and stay ambitious, but learn to be satisfied. It's not an ecstatic, rambunctious, just-won-the-lottery happiness, but a calm one.
Take some time out of every day to appreciate the nice things you see. Whether that's a stranger you shot the breeze with in line, or a nice flower you saw, or a cool car. Nothing is too small to appreciate!
Always be yourself, especially with a potential partner. You can pretend to be someone else for a long time, but eventually you'll get comfortable and want to just be you.
I'm obligated to tell you to begome Catholic if you aren't already.
A board-specific tip: jump into any thread you see with The Old Oligarch in it. He's a great guy and has possibly the widest selection of papes on this site.
Have some of my favorites as a birthday present.
>>7650938Anon, if you're projecting, I strongly urge you to find help. This life is worth living, I promise you.