time for actual reviews since i'm free now
>>5751199too much transparency
I know for a fact you have links you don't use, such as the board list on top, do you really need all boards
'sides, any specific reason why chromium?
I think you can do better
>>5749858interesting concept executed poorly, having a woman in your desktop is distracting from workflow
the super bar or whatever you call it is nice but it could be nicer with consistently styled icons
>>5749877distracting wallpaper, transparent terminals, not so great fonts
even unriced setups would look better
your GTK theme is too tron-y but that's fine when executed properly, yours isn't
also, use screenfetch
>>5749887literally a wallpaper with rainmeter
>>5749923interesting concept but I think if you had a better colorscheme it'd work better
also the recycle bin there makes it look bad
>>5749913this is nice but you could get a better wallpaper
>>5749985half-assed rice, haxrcorp, cmdfetch in unriced terminal, wallpaper doesn't work with your colorscheme, rainmeter doesn't need to be so huge
>>5750026oh god what are you doing
>big haxrcorp>shit font rendering>that foobarwhy
>>5750054half-assed rice
>>5750058do you really need two docks
you can cut down those launchers by a lot by using launchy or something
>>5750065half-assed mint cinnamon rice with conky
pretty bad, conky doesn't need to be flashy
>>5750109>skyrim rainmeterwhy