I'm still working this out. Not sold on anything and I'd like to get a battery and weather situation going on but I love the emptiness too.
>>7194581Let's see it look that cute in November, bruh.
>>7194460Got enough icons, bruh?
>>7194450Good shit, dude. I wish you would get rid of the status bar and make yourself a clock and battery wish it, but it looks good, bruh.
>>7194369I thought that paper was worth playing with too, good taste, bruh.
>>7194263Excellent stuff, 8/10, looks really classy, bruh.
>>7194084It's a shitty collage of pics. 7/10 for effort, bruh.
>>7193621Cute I guess, hate that massive clock. I'm not getting any cohesive theme here, bruh.
>>7193376Looks like magic the gathering took a creamy shit on your phone, bruh.
>>7193172If I wanted memeblur in my life I would kill myself, bruh.
>>7192984>>7192983>>7192982Random lock screen pape. Shitty pape of a metal door or something. Fucked to shit font and icons. Fuck is going on here, bruh?
>>7192878Dope shit, 10/10 for effort, bruh.
>>7192847Could you possibly have more shit going on here, bruh?
>>7192739Nice work, good job matching fonts, bruh
>>7192490He'll yea, best I've seen in a grip. 10/10, bruh.
>>7192387That looks awful to scroll through, bruh.
>>7192345Eh, looks a bit scrambled, bruh.
>>7192273You're better than that, bruh.
>>7192173Almost as gay as memeblur, bruh.
>>7192171Trash icon mess, bruh.
>>7192064Another case of clearly putting in a lot of effort only to have it look like shit because you autistic retards need your fucking album art. Weak ass bullshit/10, bruh.
>>7191999Dawg, what's with those shitty abbreviations? Looks like ass, bruh.
>>7191991Very well done, bruh.
>>7191949How's that schedule going, homie? Don't forget tho Mark the day your period starts, bruh.
>>7191947Meh, shit font, bruh.
>>7191921Good animations, bruh.
>>7191920Fix that music player and alarm notification, bruh.
I gave feedback to those who rated. If I missed you I'm sorry, bruh.