Love the clock, shortcuts are nice. Not a fan of the app drawer shortcut. Also, like the other anons said, remove the gradient background on the dock.
The whole 8bit look is kind of cool but not really visually appealing here. Nice and minimalist, maybe a bit too much so though, there's not even a clock.
Clocks ugly. Search bars are ugly and pretty useless imo. Turn off labels on your shortcuts.
The whole artistic theme is kind of cute, but doesn't look very good. The text shortcuts look especially bad, they look pretty crap to begin with plus they cut off at the edges.
Minimal, beautiful
Folders look crappy, too cluttered, bad layout. Still looks pretty good though.
Nice wallpaper and clock. Get rid of all the freakin folders. Dock icons are kind of nice.
>>5450013Lock 8/10
Home 7/10
LOVE the lockscreen, home's layout is a bit weird to me but still lovely and minimal.