got my shadows figured out, but the clock close one is bound to the pic, so i can't change it quite as easily anymore. Looking for a nice workaround for that
>>7101768i like the colour of your background, and the font is pretty nice. the shadows looks a bit out of place. Have you though about doing something with waves on the second screen aswell? maybe down low behind the albumart or something.
>>7101803i always get hit with the draw 4, me no like. your rice is nice though, i think hiding the notif bar and making a small custom clock would look better though.
>>7101805animations on point, can't help feeling you've put form way ahead of function on this one though - that might be cause i don't really like that kind of layout though.
>>7101909nighttime is for sleeping dummy
green battery bar on blue screen is a bit bright, try a more muted colour
pink screen looks real good, love the little visualizer even though i'm usually not a fan of them.
greenscreen looks crowded, not sure what you need 2 calendars for, but i'm sure you could find a way to tidy it up a bit.
gray is wack, what about making it a card that slides in without covering the whole screen?
lockscreen is tight, i feel like having the music controls and the time/date/weather positions swapped would make more sense - atleast for me
>>7102129do something with your space, atleast hide your drawer indicator
>>7102189>playstor.>nstagrm.why bother compressing the text? either do it to all or none. Removing the X would make it look more balanced even if the two sides have different text lengths. because of the text it looks like it's not centered.
Music screen looks nice though, i think having text instead of icons would tie the theme a bit tighter together. whats the yellow text here?
>>7102476green battery bar too bright, try a more muted one or take it from your pape, since the sky is dark the white blueish snow colour might look nice.