I took some time and got my start menu on point. Made me feel like I'm not realizing my computer's full potential lol
>>5658516Sick WP. Not feeling the minty green or that calendar/taskmanager app thing. It makes a shitload of blank space. What is that exactly?
>>5658508Glorious mnlt master race.
You should consult the stickies and take it to the next level.
>>5658357>If you want, I'll make you one.That would be cool I'd definitely try it out. I have grown quite fond of this little square shape. I've been using it for ages across different comps.
>>5658318Sweet thanks man. I can't bring myself to ditch the orb. Makes me feel like my taskbar is uneven. Also it helps when people who aren't me use the computer so they don't feel completely lost. When I ran bblean people would sit at my comp and "wtf how do I use this"
>>5658294Getting there. What battery skin is that for RM?
>>5658265Damn I wish I would have thought to do that with (the massive, otherwise hideous) W8 taskbar. Well played. Aside from that it doesn't seem like you've done a whole lot though...
>>5658250Girl is hot. Clean as fuck taskbar etc. I agree with some of the other posters here in that a different wallpaper could potentially really make this setup pop.