>>7806537Pretty slick, nice colors. A little too cluttered for an actual work environment IMO but that's not a criticism.
>>7806455Chill, like the teal highlights. Clock, and CPU/MEM meters seem a bit out of place and unnecessary.
>>7805777Cool wp. Why is the recycle bin icon so enormous lol.
>>7805555Nicely unified theme, good taste. Top-bar font seems a bit out of place, something monospace might tie it together.
>>7805276Simple. I don't hate it.
>>7805264Pretty clean. Top bar seems kinda cluttered. Not a huge fan of the different color text but you do you.
>>7804725Not bad, not a whole lot to comment on either. Position of the icons seems kinda unbalanced.
>>7803506Perfectly average. Wallpaper style clashes a bit with the flat look you got going.
>>7803504Like the aesthetic but that's a lot of unnecessary terminal clutter. Would be more interested to see your actual work environment.
>>7803175Amen to that. In a similar boat myself.
>>7803122Not giving us a lot to work with. I like the borderless window idea. Needs a unified aesthetic, looks like a work in progress rather than a polished theme.
>>7802780Could use some work. Seems like you're just messing around with widget style apps.
>>7802099I like the warm colors, clearly put some effort into it. Not a big fan of the Win95 style icons/borders but if you like it why not.
>>7802077Quite nice, like the flat style. Wallpaper seems kinda jagged though. How's the x260 working out for ya?
>>7802071Pretty nice. Task bar seems kinda noisy in terms of colors/fonts compared to the rest of the theme.
>>7801306Cool wallpaper. Looks like you've put some effort into that synthwave aesthetic. Position of desktop icons seems a bit off.
>>7800620Could use some more work. Kind of a mish-mash of random things cobbled together rather than a polished theme.
>>7800546Not giving us much to work with here but nice pape. Theme looks pretty standard.
Not my cup of tea.