OP here guys!
Surprised to see thread got this much activity. Here is a famous picture of Ruth Snyder being executed by electric chair in 1928. The picture was taken by a reporter who smuggled a camera into Sing Sing by attaching it to his leg.
>>6847850>>6850089Not only was this picture a great choice in my opinion and one of the more creative on here, but if I look closely I feel like I can actually see the grim reaper.
Look just to the right of the monks head. If you cant find it draw a straight line from his eyes to the right and then a separate line from the upside down wave shape design on the side of the car. That is the grim reaper's left eye. The outline of his hood is that darker looping line from the monks forehead to below the left eye. The bridge of the nose is directly left of the left eye and just right of the partial right eye. The few jagged teeth are the little triangles that follow the monks robe collar to the right of the bottom of his neck. It might just be me but it looks like the grim reaper. I might try to outline it if no one gets it. Probably just daydreaming :D
>>6848961Glad you like it I picked it up off of this board so no source but other anon has you covered. Might start a dump of death related stuff.
>>6849142Thanks for the full sized version and link.