>>5911627dont really like the wallpaper OP but i like the clock setup and the icons, what icons are those btw? 8/10
>>5911666clean, i like it, not digging the font tho, 8/10
>>5911670too much going on for my taste, 6/10
>>59116867/10 i think itd look better with less icons, i personally like being able to see the background
>>59117046/10 needs more done, please change that dock icon, it kills everything
>>5911720change the icons, the setup, the clock, idk needs more work, 5/10
>>5911907cluttered, and i think the clock is too big, also try making the nav bar transparent 5/10
>>5912029good job for an iphone, rated before in last thread, 8/10
>>5912122hide the notifiction bar, you should try a more minimal approach maybe put some of the stuff on a diferent screen? 6/10
>>5912140i like the walls, 7/10
>>5912158i think you need better icons 7/10
>>5912203my eyes/10
>>5912243i like all of them, specially last one OP, i got inspired by your clock btw
>>5912382id use a different wall, just not my taste, 8/10
>>5912609seen it before, i like it, 9/10