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It's kinda difficult to describe how I feel. I guess it's sort of like acceptance for the shitty times to come? I know that I'm living a bad way, being extremely introverted, not social at all, but in a way, I just don't care at all? Yeah, I probably won't ever connect to another person in a meaningful way, but in my own case, I feel like personal self-fulfilment is the way to go.
I once talked about how shit I felt on a thread, and an anon recommended to me that I shouldn't rely on others for happiness, that it's much better off improving myself, and to search for my own happiness. That really resonated in me, and I now make that my little mission in life. I've always been really trusting of people, but I've fallen into the trap of trusting them too much, and they take advantage of me. As I have come to learn, most people don't give a shit about you. They only care about themselves. Sure, they'll pretend to care, and put on a face, but they really couldn't care less. So, I've taken that anon's advice, and try to make my own happiness, which I feel is slowly, but surely working.
Like I stated previously, I've come to accept the fact I will probably be alone for the rest of my life, but that's okay. It's going to be shitty, and I'm gonna feel depressed, but I will only have myself to rely on, and no one will ever let me down.
It's sorta ironic how 4chan, so infamous for ignorance can be the place that gives me solace in my worse times. Love you all, you fucking bastards.