>>7207655Bad. Your other one did the same thing tastefully. 4/10.
>>7207668Pretty standard, solid. 6.5/10.
>>7207722The whole bottom part looks odd, and the icons don't fit. 5/10.
>>7207822Pretty cool,no idea how you did it. 8/10.
>>7208095It's OK. Could do without some of the clutter like the dock, nav bar and notification bar. Smaller icons might suit it better too. 5/10.
>>7208228Nice, boring. 6.5/10.
>>7208956Yeah yeah same rice for months. 9.5/10.
>>7209017Put the boxes closer imo for more whitespace near the edge. Cohesive. 7/10.
>>7209239Pretty nice tbqh family. 8/10.
>>7209453Good for an applefag. 7/10, 9/10 for effort.
>>7209662Font needs changing. 5/10.
>>7210812Hello there :)
>>7210852Change the clock font or at least make it smaller. 6/10.