I never stop adjusting my klwp, it's a bad compulsion at this point
>>7048092 beautifully minimal>>7048099 not a fan of the clock font, or the phrasing of the battery or notification text>>7048102 It's really nice anon>>7048131 good pape, aren't the music controls a little too high up?>>7048182 date is still hard to read, weather "outside" is redundant>>7048177 too stock for my taste desu>>7048186 neat, I like the gyro effect>>7048184 >>7048230 it's an improvement>>7048242 font needs work anon>>7048362 neat, but overcomplicated>>7048398 make animations happen on global switch and toggle the global switches via touch actions>>7048418 make the weather status be lower case, it looks weird as "Clear"