Got around to remaking the webm
Rates (I remove a point for everything I find bad don't get too butthurt):
>>6734293Clean af but don't like the font 9/10.
>>6734145Apps is Word from are ugly desu desu make them smaller and organize them by width, vapor probably isn't the best choice tho. 7/10
>>6734112Wow this is cute af, but find a higher res pape and is this still a WIP? If it is 9/10 if not add more stuff.
>>6734109Fades the icons app names in and out.
Think you should space you apps put a bit more 9/10. Also have you tried Min, Glyphs, or flight?
>>6734081I just don't like this anon. The pape is busy af, the black lines from the pape cut into the words and such, pape is also kinda low res, the yellow is ugly too and the font isn't the best (but this is really just personal preference.) so I would rate 6/10
>>6734076I would probably make the widgets smaller. 9/10
I tried to match the font with the original font the best I could I might just change in photoshop probably tho.
>>6734072Would make the icons color go from warmest to coolest. 9/10
>changing the pape from pink to blue what are you gay? >I posted that picture last thread>it's pretty cute fampai>>6734057Hide your status bar dude also it's been on no duh I would put it on the op