>>5915669Nice, although the wallpaper is eh to me. 8/10
>>5915686Cluttered, App labels. 3/10
>>5915696Clock is no, icons eh, and what the fuck is going on at the top? 4/10
>>5915753Center your clock, and get a better wallpaper and messaging icon. 4/10
>>5915755Really Nice, only thing I don't like is the font used for the day of the week. 8.5/10
>>5915841Solid 7/10
>>5915979Icons... 4/10
>>5916027No comment 7/10
>>5916059Not a fan of the color scheme, and the record button? 4/10
>>5916065Sexy as hell, 9/10
>>5916117Too minimal 5.5/10
>>5916121Fuck your folders, 6.5/10
>>5916184There's something kinda off about this one... 5/10
Any tips to make mine better?