>>6739219>tfw there will likely never be a remastered edition of DS9 like the glorious TNG remaster.Fucking hurts to the extreme. I don't know how it wasn't a financial success because in the UK alone the TNG-R collection(all 7 seasons) sold 102,000 copies in its first week that's a little over £5mn. No idea the individual season editions sold here. I can only assume it sold more in the US.
The TNG-R took 4 years and tens of thousands of man hours taking every single frame for all episodes and bringing it up to standard. They said that they would love to do DS9 and VOY but CBS told them it would cost about $40mn and 8 years and the disappointment of TNG-R sales made it non feasible.
I guess CBS were naive to think people would buy it for the 3rd or 4th time. Had they waited with their original "remaster"(not really a remaster at all) It would likely have sold millions and made DS9 and VOY remasters a reality.
Anyway on topic. Pic is from Star Trek Online.