>>7801564>Im working with RAWAbsolutely awesome. That will definitely give you premium quality to start with. I'd definitely set my exported image to 2400x2400 dpi before I began any editing, or even higher (6000) if I was going for serious pro quality. As I said, once you've got your final image edits where you want them, you can always drop that down for public consumption (300 or 600 is amazing for most people).
Notice my spider
>>7801563 is 180x180 DPI and a 95% .jpg. That edit.crop was done before I learned some of these tricks:
>>7801544. It looks great on my 32" 2560x1440 IPS today, but now I want to revisit the original and see if I can improve on it. When I find my dragonflies, the spider should be close by.
Also notice the filename with the date and the sequence number from my Nikkon. Find an indexing habit that allows you to find your originals. Trust me. Years from now you'll want a method that makes finding them a little bit less of a Hell.
>pic related: Not mine. But I do collect stuff that grabs my eye.