>>5777637Looks very clean, the icons kinda clash though. 7/10
>>5777669I'm a sucker for this kind of thing, but the bar is really out of place. 6/10
>>5777730Too cluttered for me. 4/10
>>5777737>FedoraMah nigga. Wp is interesting, I suppose. 7/10.
>>5777744Looks good, that little icon cluster is kinda killing it for me though.
>>5777749I wish I had dual monitors/10
>>5777953Nice, very clean. Digging the theme, but a little too crowded for my tastes. 9/10.
>>5777967>>5778407Best ITT, 10/10
>>5778043>>5778210>>5778401>>5779276>>5779280>>57798712default4me, needs work.
>>5779926I like it, 8/10
Plz r8 me