Just put this together, may need some improvement.
>>6378584 9/10 - So slick and clean>>6378588 9/10 - God damn I'm a sucker for simplicity >>6378589 8/10 - I love those icons>>6378592 10/10 - I'm in love>>6378595 8/10 - Yet another great build, relaxed.>>6378618 7/10 - Not a fan of the clock but god damn I love the cat names>>6378625 7.5/10 - Nice but not a fan of the pure black box>>6378634 7.5/10 - Nice but the middle picture seems a bit out of place>>6378655 9/10 - Love how simple but effective it is>>6378668 Ouch my eyes/10>>6378692 8.5/10 - Nice and unique>>6378728 9/10 - Really like this, also ayy Death Grips>>6378761 9/10 - I can never resist these builds>>6378774 7/10 - It may be your original but the others perfected it>>6378775 9.5/10 - Was going to rate 8 but then watched the whole webm and creamed>>6378818 7.5/10 - I like it but wouldnt be able to remember all that shiet>>6378853 7.5/10 - Original and functional>>6378873 8/10 - Too cute>>6378924 7/10 - Change clock font>>6378965 9/10 - Looks great and great music taste>>6378993 7/10 - Snowflake was a nice idea but it looks a bit patchy around the edges>>6379067 7/10 - Dont like the search bar, icons are okay but theres an awful lot of them>>6379448 8/10 - Colour combination is noice>>6379525 9/10 - Really good for first time>>6379568 9/10 - qt 3.14>>6379821 9/10 - o fug this pwns>>6379860 9.5/10 - Hory shiet>>6380156 7/10 - Try removing the background colours from the boxes>>6380717 9.5/10 - Love it>>6380768 8/10 - Eye catching and well made