I've had nothing to post for at least a month and even this setup is incomplete. Tapping different areas opens alarms, weather, battery, player, etc.
>>6513611This is pretty barebones. Maybe some things could be centered and moved around. 8/10
>>6513677Would look perfect with a different pattern behind the whole setup. 9/10
>>6513714The weather icon is the only thing that feels out of place. 8/10
>>6513730What are you using for this setup? KLWP: animation for icons to slide in similar to anon above you, or Zooper: duplicate widgets over two pages and only place icons on second page; no infinite scroll.
>>6513794Everything but the color is perfect. Mind showing us how to do similar animations? 10/10
>>6513824Not sure about the seconds or the grey dock bar at the bottom. It seems to reduce the space a lot. 7/10
>>6513841The colors are nice, though the setup is generally too bright.
>>6513937Can we agree the weather is super cluttered? Maybe the icon transitions could match the wallpaper? I'm glad someone used that wallpaper set nicely, however. 7/10.