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tl;dr = janitor should have warned/banned OP, and many others
not trying to make anyone mad, just some observations:
it looks like the sticky is being ignored more and more with each passing day. i browsed through the first 3 pages just now, looking for a thread to contribute to, but not a single thread conformed to the rules, so i didn't post.
where does this end? with another great purge and handing out of bans until all the selfish posters are scared away for another few months, and then we start the process again?
the group janitor should have immediately banned OP as a warning to all the other people who don't respect this place. yes, its kind of harsh to ban/warn people every other thread, but that's how you keep this place from sliding into mediocrity.
sorry for the wall of text. i can only imagine being a janitor is a thankless task, but it needs doing. i'd be happy to volunteer a few hours a week, fwiw.